Isiflo Young Talents Days
As part of Isiflo's commitment to the new generation, we organized the very first "Isiflo Young Talents Days" in the last week of November. We wanted to fly in some of the best talent from the entire Isiflo group around Europe, to Isiflo HQ in Raufoss (Norway). Here the participants were to make stronger connections between themselves, but also discuss their experience of Isiflo as an employer, and their ideas related to various topics for an even better future as Isiflo employees.
The Isiflo Young Talents Days took place over 3 days in Norway. Day 1 was spent meeting, getting to know each other and socializing. Some of the participants knew each other from before, but all made new acquaintances across the Isiflo group. Here, the participants did some teambuilding through informal competition in the sport of curling at the Lillehammer Olympic arena, followed by dinner and accommodation in Lillehammer.
Teambuilding! From left: Anders Ulstad, Jonas Bossum, Jesper Holmgren, Tore Engebretsen, Michael Hartz, Koen Ijsseldijk, Espen Lundby, Mark Wissink, Rein Klijnsma, Joanne Jukkema, (Jennifer Metzger was not present during photo).
Day 2 was carried out at Isiflo HQ in Raufoss, where everyone was divided into groups for workshops with themes such as "Isiflo visual identity" and "A great place to work". Arrangements were made for the most open discussion possible, where everyone could provide input on how Isiflo appears today - and how we should appear in the future, both to customers but also to potential new Isiflo talents.
The largest part of this day was spent discussing how the young talents experience everyday life as an employee of Isiflo today - and not least, how can we become an even better place to work? The participants were engaged, and provided an incredible amount of valuable feedback and constructive criticism that we could use to design concrete measures. Day 3 was used for summarizing, as well as the design of concrete measures to be implemented to lift us further as an attractive place to work. Although we will not reveal too much of the results in this article, after the summary we saw that Isiflo is already doing a lot right in terms of recruiting and retaining new talent, but that we have potential. We will fill this potential with ideas from the participants. That is precisely what the Isiflo Young Talents Days are about, if we are to recruit and retain young talent - we must listen to the voices of the young talents.
A follow-up meeting is planned for June 2024 where we will evaluate the measures we have implemented. We look forward to continuing with Isiflo Young Talents Days in the future, to become an even better workplace and recruit the best talents.